Monday, April 1, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Day 1: A is Awesome!

Hey guys! This month is going to be awesome because I'm participating in the A to Z Challenge. That means I'll be posting every day but Sundays on a letter themed topic and I'm going to try to involve the paranormal as much as possible.

In the paranormal genre there aren't many limits to the kind of being you can have in your story. The two most popular "A" beings are Aliens and Angels. Most of the time you won't see these two in the same story. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen an alien and an angel in the same story. Have you?

That would be an awesome story I think.

My favorite book involving Aliens would be The Ultimate Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

I remember the first Alien book I ever read. The only problem is I don't remember the title.

As for Angels, I don't read a lot of Angel books. I've read some good short stories about Angels, but I can't think of them right now. What about you? Have you read any Angel fiction lately?

Here is a good book I've read recently that begins with "A"

After the Fear by Rosanne Rivers

Here are some authors I've connected with recently that have last names beginning with "A"

D.H. Aire
Alexandra Allred
Alyssa Auch

Here are some Awesome characters who have names that begin with "A"

Adrian, Aspen and Autumn-The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton
Aka-Four in the Morning by Christi Goddard
Alixis-After the Fear by Rosanne Rivers
Artemis-Mirrors of Anguish by R.P. Kraul
Ava and Alani-Obsidian by Kayla Curry


  1. Great way to kick off A to Z. I've not read a book with both Angels and Aliens...interesting idea :-)

    Have fun with the rest of the challenge!

    Jenny at Choice City Native

  2. Awesome blog! Paranormalcy is adored for me! A book with aliens and angels, i like!

    1. It would be interesting huh? Thanks for commenting!

  3. Let me just say that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy takes the cake of all cakes. Bring a towel, and DON'T PANIC.

    Best of luck during A to Z! I can't wait to come back and see what else you've got.

    1. Thank you! I'll see you around the A to Z Challenge!

  4. I've never been huge on angel books, but I love a good alien book. Hitchiker's is a really fun one, though I've only read the first book in the series. It's one of those that you can always go back to. So long and thanks for all the fish.

    1. I've read them all, but it's been a long time! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. When put on the spot, I can't think of one book title that starts with an A -- or characters -- or friends. See how I am?

    1. It took some help from other authors to come up with some items on the list, but some of the items I had to think hard about! Thanks for commenting!

  6. I picked your blog to read because I liked the name! I look forward to investigating your paranormal writings through the A-Z challenge.
